Monday, July 14, 2014


So I started #99DaysOfFreedom and I wonder if this is going to be hard. I mean I don't believe that we have become so addicted to the internet and being on these social networks really have a massive affect on how we spend our lives and out free time. But, alas, I have to say that I can relate to this. I found myself subconsciously trying to POST certain things that had no relevance to anything remotely of importance. Now, that's that bullshittA. I would like to think that actual BLOGging is more like a warm up for me writing a book of short stories. You would be a bad ass to make a book out of FACEBOOK posts or TWITTER tweets. It would be a feat to behold. #HCBSF 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

For the record

I had an ephiphany. I want out and I will do so by being put out. Not working so well. So, now back to square one. If she wont , I will.

Monday, June 10, 2013


I think I'm getting tired
Of failure and expectations
That I  place on myself
For the sake of loathing.

I am getting tired
Of the dark.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I have just one question [elaborate]

Why are people  so hung up on relationships failing?  If there are only THREE (3) CORE  reasons anyone cheats, eliminate as many opportunites for this to happen. People because they are not happy, distracted or just overall wrong. Period. It doesn't need an HBO special or for it to be a constant theme on radio shows. Seriously, how much can we talk in circles without talking directly? [elaborate]
     Reason three (3) is that people are generally wrong. Whether it be wrong TO you, FOR you or just doint give a fuck. [elaborate]

     Reason two (2) is it was done as a distraction or someone else had their attention instead of you.[elaborate]

     Reason number one (1) has to be the strongest and the most influential in us as a society. It deals with the fact that many of us are living a lie and in denial of what is going on in our lives on a day-to-day basis. That reason is just that you, you're mate, or sometimes both of you are unhappy and refuse to see it and/or address it. [elaborate]

     So, in closing, [elaborate]

-thank you for coming out. Good night and God bless.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

So, this is Christmas

I should have known better. I should have known better. What I did to is follow the directions, per our agreement, to a "T". What I did NOT do, is listen to my inner voice. As much as it may be all about the kids, it is still understood, that we still MUST exchange something. If only something small, still something. For the second year in a row,  I have made this mistake. Will I ever grasp the concept of this?

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Post From Kobe Bryant

My family philanthropy supports a local organization who is fighting homelessness called My Friends Place. I first went there a year ago to begin my journey. Last night, to better understand the issue, I spent a night learning more about 
homelessness at the LA Mission from those who have been affected first hand.

The number one message I carry from them is that of love, compassion and faith. With "great power comes great responsibility". We all have the POWER to affect change in the lives of others. To live life with our heads under water afraid to see the swells crashing above us, is not LIVING. Living is inspiring others to live. Living is helping others find their way. Living is spotlighting those who have been sleeping in dark corners for so long that society has become blind to their invisibility.


Thank you LA Mission for Welcoming me into your home. I learned a ton and am looking forward to learning more and helping you in the fight to end homelessness.

Fans, you can join me in learning and fighting for others too:

God Bless
Mamba out..